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Optiflux High Flux Single-use Dialyzers

Optiflux® dialyzers continue to be the leading dialyzer in the U.S. and trusted in more treatments than any other brand.*

*Based on sales volume (calculated by marketshare)



Optiflux®: The Physician's Choice

Optiflux dialyzers are the time-tested choice for nephrologists seeking high performance, biocompatible dialyzers with consistent small and middle molecule clearance. The proven technology of Advanced Fresenius Polysulfone quality, biocompatibility, and performance provide the foundation upon which Optiflux dialyzer technology is built.

 Learn more about dialyzer membranes and albumin loss. Read Article


High Flux Single-use Dialyzers

Our asymmetric membrane structure provides a unique barrier that adsorbs endotoxins. Other advances in fiber and dialyzer technology enable more disruptive flow to improve solute removal. The resulting steeper sieving curve enhances small and middle molecule clearance without increasing albumin loss.

Optiflux high flux ebeam-sterilized dialyzers feature the improved convenience for use in the arterial end upright or arterial inverted position.




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Caution: Federal (US) law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician.

Note: Read the Instructions for Use for safe and proper use of these devices. For a complete description of hazards, contraindications, side effects and precautions, see full package labeling.

© 2009-2019, 2021, 2024 Fresenius Medical Care. All Rights Reserved. Fresenius Medical Care, the triangle logo, Fresenius Polysulfone, Hemoflow and Optiflux are trademarks of Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. or its affiliated companies. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D/N US-All-000003 Rev A 05/2024