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UK/HEMA/FME/0922/0005 Date of Preparation: November 2022

FX high-flux and FX low-flux dialysers

Innovation at all levels

Innovation at all levels

  • State-of-the art FX-class design
  • Efficient removal of uraemic toxins with the Helixone® membrane
  • INLINE steam sterilized
  • Available in both low-flux and high-flux ranges

Key features

Key features

FX dialysers

A dialyser is often referred to as an “artificial kidney" in dialysis treatment. Its function is to remove any excess wastes and fluid from the blood, when the patient's kidneys can no longer perform that task.

Several state-of-the-art technologies have been combined to create the distinctive, functional features of the FX dialysers. The fibre bundle geometry, the membrane nanostructure, the flow port and the housing design all provide advantages in terms of performance, haemodynamics, dialysate flow and safety and handling.

Improved design and refined haemodynamics

  • The lateral blood inlet port provides a homogenous blood flow path, avoiding low velocity stagnation zones in the header region
  • The risk of accidental kinking of bloodlines is very low

Lateral blood inlet ports provide a homogenous blood flow path

Improved design and refined haemodynamics

  • The lateral blood inlet port provides a homogenous blood flow path, avoiding low velocity stagnation zones in the header region
  • The risk of accidental kinking of bloodlines is very low

Radial dialysate flow

  • The pinnacle structure of the polypropylene housing ensures a uniform dialysate flow around the entire fibre bundle
  • A high packing density of the fibre bundle and a special wavy fiber structure avoid dialysate channeling
  • Combined, these features enable the constant performance of all FX dialysers

Optimum fibre dimensions

  • The reduced inner diameter and wall thickness of the fibre increase the internal filtration and minimise diffusive resistance
  • A significant increase of both the diffusive and convective clearances is therefore achieved, allowing for the efficient removal of a broad spectrum of uraemic toxins 
Dialyzer weight

Dialyser weight

  • Dialyser weight is a crucial factor not only in logistics, but also in waste management
  • The housing of FX dialysers is made of polypropylene. In comparison with the widely used polycarbonate, it is much lighter
  • The result: FX dialysers weigh around half as much as most dialysers.
  • FX60=105g


Helixone®: the advanced polysulfone membrane 

  • Nanotechnology membrane fabrication procedures (Nano Controlled Spinning Technology, NCS™) provide Helixone® with a highly defined pore structure and distribution at the innermost, separating region of the membrane1,2
  • Unlike conventional pores, which were rough and uneven in shape, the pores in the inner layer of the Helixone® membrane are smooth and cylindrical
  • This reduces the molecules' resistance when travelling through the pores and allows for enhanced removal

Conventional pores

Helixone® pores

Helixone® has been specially designed to meet the demands of both low-flux and high-flux therapies:

  • More even distribution of pores
  • Estimated increased average pore size of 1.8 nm (low-flux) and 3.3 nm (high-flux)
  • Increased performance per unit of surface area

NCSTM results in optimised pore size distribution and larger average pore size

Performance (K0) per m² surface area

INLINE steam sterilisation – purity ensured

No chemical residuals. Low rinsing volumes. Lower costs.

INLINE steam sterilization – purity ensured

INLINE steam sterilisation process

INLINE steam sterilisation – how it works

  1. Both the blood and the dialysate compartment of the dialysers are rinsed continuously with steam at a temperature of 121°C for a minimum of 15 minutes, or a higher temperature for a shorter time, to ensure sterility. 
  2. The dialyser is rinsed with sterile water
  3. Every dialyser is tested for fibre integrity using a bubble-point test
  4. The dialysers are dried with warm, sterile air
  5. Finally, after drying the blood inlet and outlet, ports are closed

INLINE steam sterilisation: the benefits

  • Highly pure, sterile and pyrogen-free dialysers without any potentially harmful residues from sterilisation
  • The biocompatibility of membranes remains unaffected by sterilisation
  • The optimised use of resources due to low rinsing volumes: only 500 ml is required
  • Dry dialysers with minimised risk of contamination due to microbial growth

Fibre integrity testing

  • All dialysers have to pass the bubble point test as part of the INLINE steam sterilisation process
  • Sterile air is forced into the dialysate compartment while the blood compartment contains sterile water
  • If any leakages were present in the membrane, air would pass through the membrane and create bubbles
  • Dialysers failing the integrity test are discarded
  • This integrity test minimises the risk of fibre ruptures and the risk of blood leakages

Performance data

FX low-flux dialysers

FX low-flux dialysers FX 5 FX 8 FX 10
Ultrafiltration coefficient (ml/h x mmHg) 8 12 14
Clearance: QB: (200ml/min)      
Urea 180 191 193
Creatinine 165 178 181
Phosphate 141 160 170
Vitamin B12 88 107 121
Clearance: QB: (300ml/min)       
Urea 228 254 261
Creatinine 200 225 231
Phosphate 164 194 210
Vitamin B12 94 120 138
Clearance: QB: (400ml/min)       
Urea   293 303
Creatinine   252 260
Phosphate   213 233
Vitamin B12   126 146
The in vitro performance data were obtained with QD = 500ml/min:
QF = 0ml/min; T=37°C (ISO8637)
The ultrafiltration coefficients were maintained using human blood,
Hct = 32%, protein content 6%
Effective surface area (m²) 1.0 1.4 1.8
Blood filling volume (ml) 54 74 95
Membrane material Helixone®  
Housing material Polypropylene
Potting compound Polyurethane
Sterilisation method INLINE steam
Application HD

FX high-flux dialysers

FX high-flux dialysers FX 40 FX 50 FX 60 FX 80 FX 100
Ultrafiltration coefficient (ml/h x mmHg) 20 33 46 59 73
Clearance: QB: (200ml/min)          
Urea 170 189 193 197  
Creatinine 144 170 182 189  
Phosphate 138 165 177 185  
Vitamin B12 84 115 135 148  
Inulin 54 76 95 112  
Clearance: QB: (300ml/min)           
Urea   250 261 276 278
Creatinine   210 230 250 261
Phosphate   201 220 239 248
Vitamin B12   130 155 175 192
Inulin   81 104 125 142
Clearance: QB: (400ml/min)           
Urea     303 362 331
Creatinine     262 287 304
Phosphate     248 272 284
Vitamin B12     167 190 213
Inulin     109 133 152
The in vitro performance data were obtained with QD = 500ml/min:
QF = 0ml/min; T=37°C (ISO8637)
The ultrafiltration coefficients were maintained using human blood,
Hct = 32%, protein content 6%
Effective surface area (m²) 0.6 1.0 1.4 1.8 2.2
Blood filling volume (ml) 32 53 74 95 116
Membrane material Helixone®  
Housing material Polypropylene
Potting compound Polyurethane
Sterilisation method INLINE steam
Application HD/HDF/HF

FX hemodiafilters

FX hemodiafilters FX 600 FX 800 FX 1000
Ultrafiltration coefficient (ml/h x mmHg) 52 63 75
Clearance: QB: (200ml/min)QF: (0ml/min)      
Urea 196 198  
Creatinine 184 190  
Phosphate 180 184  
Vitamin B12 141 149  
Inulin 101 110  
Clearance: QB: (300ml/min) QF: (75ml/min)        
Urea 284 289 290
Creatinine 262 271 280
Phosphate 254 262 269
Vitamin B12 199 209 211
Inulin 150 161 164
Clearance: QB: (400ml/min) QF: (100ml/min)      
Urea 351 361 364
Creatinine 313 328 343
Phosphate 301 313 325
Vitamin B12 229 241 244
Inulin 172 185 188
The in vitro performance data were obtained with QD = 500ml/min:
T=37°C (ISO8637)
The ultrafiltration coefficients were maintained using human blood,
Hct = 32%, protein content 6%
Effective surface area (m²) 1.5 1.8 2.2
Wall thickness / inner diameter (µm) 35/210    
Blood filling volume (ml) 97 118 138
Membrane material Helixone®  
Housing material Polypropylene
Potting compound Polyurethane
Sterilisation method INLINE steam
Application HD/HDF

If you would like to order this product via the NHS Supply Chain Catalogue, please visit the following link: NHS Supply Chain Online Catalogue

Additional information relating to multiBic or Calrecia can be found in the critical care section of our product information page.

Adverse Events Reporting 

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at or search for MHRA Yellowcard in the Google Play or Apple app store. Adverse events should also be reported to Fresenius Medical Care on 01623 445100.

UK/HEMA/FME/0922/0005 Date of Preparation: November 2022

Related content

Bowry, S.K.: Nano-controlled membrane spinning technology: Regulation of pore size, distribution and morphology of a new polysulfone dialysis membrane. In Hemodialysis Technology (eds: Ronco, C., La Greca, G.) Contributions to Nephrology, Vol. 137: 85-94 (2002)

2 Ronco, C., Nissenson, A.R.: Does nanotechnology apply to dialysis? Blood Purification 19: 347-352 (2001)