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Our patients are our first priority. 

Responsibility for patients

Our patients’ well-being is our top priority. As part of our commitment to delivering safe, high-quality care for patients with chronic illnesses, we continuously monitor the performance of our products and services. Our focus is on quality, safety, accessibility, and patient experience. We make further improvements where necessary, keeping in mind our goal to expand access to high-quality health care. We invest in innovations and new technologies, and leverage insights from scientific research and collaboration with partners.

Patient satisfaction

We want to create an environment that allows us to listen to our patients so that we can better understand their needs.

We use the results of patient experience surveys to help us to measure, manage, and advance the services and care we offer to our patients. These surveys are conducted annually in most countries.

Grievance mechanisms are another way to get patients’ feedback and better understand their needs. We offer our patients various channels through which they can make suggestions and raise concerns, such as dedicated hotlines and email addresses, complaint and suggestion boxes, and a feedback form on our website.

Protection of patient’s medical information

As a company in the health care sector, we are entrusted with sensitive medical information about our patients. As articulated in our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, we are committed to respecting our patients privacy and protecting this information.

Due to our international operations, we are subject to different national and international data protection laws and regulations. To help us comply with them, we have an established dedicated privacy program. The Management Board is informed on a bi-annual basis about the status of the program and any relevant privacy-related issues. Our local and regional policies for data protection and the handling of personal data are complemented by further guidelines, standards, and standard operating procedures.

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