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Global Medical Office Dialogues Hosted by Frank Maddux

Global Medical Office Dialogues is Fresenius Medical Care's signature medical video magazine, dedicated to excellence in storytelling that brings medical-scientific knowledge to life. Produced by the Global Medical Office and hosted by Frank Maddux, MD, Global Chief Medical Officer, our in-depth interviews feature diverse global voices representing some of the leading minds at the intersection of science, medicine, and current events.

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About the Host

Global Medical Office Dialogues is hosted by Frank Maddux, MD, Global Chief Medical Officer for Fresenius Medical Care and Member of the Management Board. Physician, expert nephrologist, technology entrepreneur, and health care executive, Dr. Maddux created the company's medical office broadcast network, and the Medical Office Live global broadcast series for physicians and clinicians. He is editor in chief for the Fresenius Medical Care Annual Medical Report and is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians. An alumnus of Vanderbilt University, Dr. Maddux holds his doctorate in medicine from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he holds a faculty appointment as clinical associate professor. His writings have appeared in leading medical journals, and his pioneering healthcare information technology innovations are part of the permanent collection of the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institution.