Fresenius Medical Care provides an overview of the analysts’ recommendations and the consensus estimates.
Pursuant to Sections 33 et seqq. of the German Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz - WpHG), any person whose shareholding in an issuer reaches, exceeds or falls below 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 50% or 75% of the voting rights from shares within the meaning of Sections 33 et seqq. of the German Securities Trading Act by purchase, sale or by any other means or who reaches, exceeds or falls below these thresholds (with the exception of the threshold of 3%) as the holder of instruments within the meaning of Section 38 of the German Securities Trading Act or in the case of aggregation pursuant to Section 39 of the German Securities Trading Act must notify this to the issuer and simultaneously to the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) without undue delay, and at the latest within four trading days.
The nominal capital of Fresenius Medical Care AG relevant for the calculation of the thresholds currently amounts to
€ 293,413,449.00 and is divided into 293,413,449 no-par-value shares.
Please use the following e-mail address for sending your voting rights notification or send us your voting rights notification via fax at +49 6172 268 5827:
Pursuant to Section 40 section 1 of the German Securities Trading Act, the issuer must publish received voting rights notifications without undue delay, but no later than three trading days following receipt of the notification. For that, we use DGAP.
You find the voting rights notification received by us also below.